Contributions & Charges
Government schools in Western Australia request the support of parents in providing school amenities.
The School Council at Clayton View Primary School has endorsed the Schedule of Voluntary Contributions.
In accordance with the Department of Education's (DoE) "Contributions, Charges and Fees Policy" September 2001, schools can request up to a maximum voluntary contribution of $60 for each child in Years K-6.
The contribution is voluntary and the funds supplement the cost of materials used by students in the educational program. The quality of our teaching and learning program will be maximised when each family makes its contribution.
The amount of contributions received will add to the funds received from the DoE through the Student Centred Funding Model and P&C fundraising to form the amount the school has available to spend on student learning. This year, the School Voluntary Contribution for Kindergarten to Year Six is only $40 per child.
The funds collected assist in providing children with art and craft material, sports equipment, photocopying and subsidies for excursions and camps. As every child in the school benefits from this support, it is essential that payment is made by every family.
It's easy to make a payment to the school.
Administration Office has payment envelopes available that can be place into payment box located on the wall in the Reception Area.
Direct deposit: BSB 066 040
ACC 199 00 452
Or speak with one of our friendly staff members and they will assist you.